Child Dental MRC



The Myobrace® system is a prophylactic orthodontic treatment that focuses on the root cause of tooth bending and usually does not require braces or extractions to unlock natural growth and development. The treatment is best for children between the ages of 3 and 15 and uses a series of detachable oral appliances for 1-2 hours a day.

Harm of children's tooth decay

The presence of deciduous teeth reserves a gap for the eruption of permanent teeth, and has a certain induction effect on the eruption of permanent teeth. If the deciduous teeth are reduced or prematurely lost due to tooth decay, it is easy to cause abnormal teeth eruption time and jaw Abnormal type.

The deciduous teeth are important chewing organs for children. The fangs will reduce the chewing function of the teeth, and the gastrointestinal digestion and absorption will be weakened, resulting in malnutrition of the body, which will affect the growth and development of children.
Maxillofacial deformity. After the caries are produced, the functional stimulation of the jaw bone is reduced, which is not conducive to the normal development of the maxillofacial region and may lead to facial deformity. The pain of tooth decay causes the child to develop a habit of chewing, which may cause facial asymmetry over time.
Secondary to other dental diseases. Dental caries can develop into pulpitis, inflammation around the apex, odontogenic cysts or interstitial infections. The periapical periodontitis of the deciduous teeth can also affect the permanent teeth, resulting in the development of hard tissue of the permanent teeth.
Causes infectious diseases. When a child's tooth decay causes infection around the apex, it often becomes an infection and causes a systemic infection. More serious, deciduous teeth can be associated with low fever, rheumatoid arthritis, nephritis and systemic diseases.
Caused psychological barriers. The occurrence of cavities, especially the presence of cavities in the anterior teeth, affects the child's teeth and the pronunciation. Severe caries in the anterior nipple area make some children shy about opening, which is also detrimental to the child's psychological development.


MRC early intervention correction


Naturally, the intervention is corrected, and Myobrace is used for 1 hour every day when sleeping, suitable for 3 to 15 children and adolescents.

Modern research has shown that irregular teeth and jaw dysplasia are not caused by genetic factors. Myobrace® focuses on treating root causes and releasing natural growth and development. Used by dentists and orthodontists in more than 100 countries, Myobrace® has successfully treated millions of children worldwide.

What causes tooth decay

Modern research has shown that tooth crowding, incorrect jaw development, and other orthodontic problems are not caused by small jaws or genetic factors.

Mouth breathing, tongue licking, reverse swallowing and thumb sucking (called incorrect muscle function habits) are the real reasons. Allergies, asthma, and open mouth postures can also cause abnormal jaw development. During the growth process, most of us have one or more of these muscle function problems, which may be the cause of incorrect tooth and facial development.

What is Myobrace?

Myobrace is a preventive orthodontic treatment that focuses on the root cause of irregularities in the curvature of the teeth. It usually does not require braces, so that the teeth grow and develop naturally, preventive orthodontics, and the natural way of the teeth.

Treatment stage

Myobrace® treatment begins with a habitual correction, correcting the cause of the orthodontic problem with a combination of three or more instruments, and aligning the teeth as they extend into the lumen. Once the poor muscle function habits are recognized, treatment can begin, however, older children have more time to establish incorrect habits and wrong growth patterns, which may require additional effort to achieve successful treatment outcomes. With good compliance, excellent results can be achieved.

Myobrace® usually has four treatment stages, including: habit correction, arch development, orthodontics, and then lasting retention.



The goal of the Myobrace® system is to achieve the natural development of the jaw and teeth. With good compliance, Myobrace® treatments provide more than just orthodontic teeth. Treatment target

Straight and neat teeth
Correct alignment of teeth and jaws
Minimal or no braces
No need to remove healthy teeth
Reduce the need for fixture time
Improve facial development
Improve overall health
Developing genetic potential
Not all of these goals can always be achieved. The success of treatment depends to a large extent on the child's compliance with Myobrace® treatment, which changes the biological ability and growth pattern of lifestyle. Usually, early treatment begins - a higher level of success can be achieved. Good compliance can lead to the best results for growing children between the ages of 3 and 15.

The role of Myobrace® treatment:

Corrected bad oral habits

Develop and align jaws

Straighten the teeth

Optimize facial development

Improve overall health

Promote healthy eating habits

How is it done? By helping the child:

Breathing through the nose

Correct tongue rest position

Swallow properly

Keep your lips together

Syracuse's Myobrace® treatment steps:

Booking consultation
Keep dental records
Provide a complete treatment plan
Get Myobrace® equipment
Return to regular inspection

Your next step

Make an appointment with Saimei Dental Consultation to perform an orthodontic assessment of muscle function. Once the assessment is complete, plan and begin treatment.

Saimei Dental will evaluate the child to determine if you or your child is suitable for Myobrace treatment.

4/61 Darley Road

Paradise SA 5075

(08) 8337 5406

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